Nesidiocoris tenuis
A mirid predator that effectively controls Tuta and whiteflies. It is native to South Europe and is often found in high populations on wild plants during summer, but its activity is limited in winter. Both adult and immature stages are frequently found on solanaceous plants. In addition to Tuta and whiteflies, it consumes soft-bodied insects, and it also feeds on the plant. Preventive releases are possible and recommended during flowering to establish a predator population in the crop. Care should be taken when predator densities are high because Nesidiocoris can harm the plant when piercing plant tissue to feed. It completes its life cycle in 25 days at 25°C.

Target pests
Various species of whiteflies, such as greenhouse whitefly, and silverleaf whitefly, and Tuta absoluta on solanaceus plants. More specifically the following species are main targets: Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Bemisia tabaci, Tuta absoluta. Occasionally, it can also feed on lepidoptera eggs, spider mites, aphids, leafminers, etc.
Solanaceous plants: tomato, aubergine, pepper.
500 adults
1000 adults
1000 nymphs
in plastic jars.
Dosage & Application
Preventive introductions with 0,5-1 adult / m².
The product should be released promptly upon receipt to ensure maximum survival and quality. If necessary, it can be stored at 10-12°C for 1-2 days.
Before releasing beneficials, assess the compatibility of any chemicals used in the past 8 weeks. Check the weather forecast to avoid heavy rain or extremely low night temperatures.